A Beginner's Guide to Oil Pulling

A Beginner's Guide to Oil Pulling

Oil pulling, a traditional oral health practice that has gained modern popularity, traces its roots back to ancient civilizations. This ancient technique involves swishing oil around the mouth for a specified duration, with purported benefits ranging from improved dental hygiene to overall well-being. Let's embark on a historical journey to uncover the origins and evolution of oil pulling. 

Ancient Beginnings  

The practice of oil pulling finds its earliest documented roots in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine. Ayurvedic texts, such as the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, describe the technique as "Kavala Graha" or "Gandusha," dating back over 3,000 years for oral health.  

According to the National Institute of Health, oil pulling is believed to cure more than thirty systemic diseases when practiced as directed, regularly.  

In the Charak Samhita & Sushruta Samhita there are two oil pulling treatments ~  

  • Kavala Graha -

    A comfortable amount of oil is placed in the mouth and is swished moving it throughout the oral cavity and spitting it out fairly quickly.  
  • Kavala Gundosha -

    In this treatment, the mouth cavity is completely filled with oil, leaving no room for gargling. Oil is to be held in the mouth until there is salivation or extreme discomfort. 

Ancient Indian practitioners believed that oil pulling could not only enhance oral hygiene but also contribute to overall health by detoxifying the body. The ritual was thought to draw out impurities and balance the doshas, which are fundamental elements in Ayurvedic philosophy.  


Spread to Other Cultures  

While oil pulling has deep roots in Ayurveda, similar practices emerged in different cultures. In traditional Chinese medicine, the ancient Chinese are said to have used oil pulling to maintain oral health and promote well-being. The technique also found its way into traditional African and Middle Eastern cultures, with variations using oils like sunflower, coconut, and olive oil. 

In recent years, oil pulling has become a trend in natural health circles, and its popularity has spread through social media and wellness blogs. Proponents of oil pulling claim a range of benefits, from detoxification and improved skin complexion to enhanced oral health.  


Why Do We Use Spearmint Essential Oil?  

Obtained from the bright green Mentha spicata herb, Spearmint has a softer scent and its effects are milder than those of Peppermint Essential Oil, making it ideal for children and the elderly. Besides inducing a minty-fresh breath, spearmint essential oil reduces cough symptoms by loosening phlegm and enhancing respiration.  

 Spearmint Extract

How To Practice Oil Pulling? 

Best way to use our Mint Rush Oil Pulling mouthwash -  

  1. Start the Kavala Graha kriya by putting 5-6 pumps of oil in your mouth in the morning, before breakfast. Beginners can start with just 1-2 pumps.     

If you feel like spitting it out immediately when you try it for the first time, do not resist. It is okay for your body to react like that. Just clean your mouth with normal water and try again.   

      2. Swish and pull the oil in the mouth, moving it around the mouth and through the teeth.  

      3. To start, try to swish for at least 1 minute. You will want to work up to the time frame of 5–10 minutes until the oil has become thin and whitish in colour, eventually as you become more comfortable with the practice.    

      4. Spit out the oil. Do not swallow.    

If consumed while swishing, do not worry as it has all edible oils that are not harmful. In case of discomfort in the stomach, consult a physician.    

      5. Rinse the mouth with warm water and continue with brushing & tongue scraping.    


The Way To Go... 

The history of oil pulling is a fascinating journey that spans centuries and crosses cultural boundaries. From its ancient roots in Ayurveda to its modern resurgence, oil pulling has evolved into a holistic practice embraced by individuals seeking natural approaches to oral and overall well-being. As we continue to explore and rediscover ancient wellness traditions, oil pulling stands as a testament to the enduring wisdom of traditional healing practices.  


Want to know more about essential oils and wellness practices? Do join our tribe or follow us on social media. Happy Healing!       


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