The Art of “Padabhyangam” for Relaxation and Improved Sleep 

Decreasing screen time, exercising, using eye patches and what not! The quest for restful nights and rejuvenated mornings has made us try a lot of these ‘solutions’ and more. Though all of these practices can be beneficial for our health, sometimes the solution lies in ancient practices that have been trusted for centuries.  

Ayurveda, the timeless Indian system of medicine, has “Abhyanga”, which is the massage of various parts of the body with oils and brings forth the simple yet potent art of oiling your feet, also known as “Padabhyangam”. This traditional ritual not only nourishes your skin but also promotes relaxation, paving the way for a night of profound and undisturbed sleep. 

Wisdom From The Sages

Ayurveda, with its emphasis on balancing the body’s energies, or doshas, offers insights into the interconnectedness of various bodily functions. The feet, believed to be a reservoir of vital pressure points, play a pivotal role in energy exchange. Incorporating the practice of oiling your feet into your bedtime routine aligns with Ayurvedic principles, fostering harmony and tranquility within. 

The Power of Oils 

Selecting the right oil is crucial for optimizing the benefits of this ancient practice. Here’s a list of Ayurvedic-approved oils that can enhance your foot oiling experience –  

  • Sesame Oil (Tila Taila)  

With its warming properties, sesame oil is excellent for pacifying Vata dosha, known for restlessness and anxiety. It has high concentrations of linoleic acid and oleic acid, that help replenish the skin’s natural barrier and promote soft, supple skin.  A massage with our Eucalyptus massage oil, which contains Black Seed Oil, Arnica Extract and so on, calms the nerves, preparing the body for a serene night’s sleep.  

  • Coconut Oil (Nariyal Taila)  

Known for its cooling nature, coconut oil is ideal for balancing Pitta dosha, associated with fiery emotions and irritability. A light massage with coconut oil soothes the mind, inducing a sense of calmness.  

Our Lavender and Chamomile Massage Oil has Extra Virgin Coconut Oil along with Arjuna Bark Extract, Lavender Essential Oil and other natural oils and herbs that nourish the skin and relieve anxiety and stress.  

  • Mustard Oil (Sarson Taila)  

Mustard oil, with its invigorating properties, is effective for stimulating Kapha dosha, linked to lethargy and heaviness. A massage with mustard oil promotes circulation and awakens the senses. 

  • Ghee (Ghrita)  

A luxurious option, ghee (clarified butter) is deeply nourishing and grounding. Known for promoting sound sleep, ghee helps balance all three doshas. 

How to Oil your Feet Before Bedtime?  

Now that you have your chosen oil, indulge in this soothing ritual with the following steps- 

  1. Warm the oil – Gently warm your chosen oil, ensuring it’s comfortably warm but not too hot. 
  2. Prepare your space – Find a quiet and comfortable spot to sit and relax. Consider playing soft, calming music to enhance the experience. 
  3. Mindful massage – Begin massaging the oil into your feet, paying extra attention to the soles and around the ankles. Use circular motions and apply gentle pressure to stimulate vital energy points. Using a Kansa Wand while practicing Padabhyangam can help you apply appropriate pressure to the marma points while the copper in kansa will also help to balance the skin’s pH.  
  4. Wrap it up – Allow the oil to soak into your skin for at least 10-15 minutes. Consider wearing cozy socks to avoid any oily mishaps.

By incorporating this ancient practice into your nightly routine, you not only nourish your skin but also invite the soothing powers of Ayurveda into your life. Embrace the wisdom of the ages, and may your nights be filled with peaceful, rejuvenating slumber.  

Sweet dreams!